Obesity: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Management through alternative therapy

Written by: Dr. Virendra Singh Edited by: Pratibha Thakur

Obesity has become a important and growing public health concern worldwide. It is a complex medical condition in which excessive amounts of fat accumulates in the body to such an extent that it can adversely affect a person’s health and overall well being. Which can leave a bad effect on our physical and mental health. This problem also occurs when the thyroid gland and pituitary gland are unbalanced. Obesity is usually assessed by a person’s body mass index (BMI), which is Calculated based on their weight and height. Obesity is not just an appearance or cosmetic concern, it is a multidimensional issue with different underlying causes and far reaching health effects. Among the many causes of obesity, wrong lifestyle, lazy life, lack of hard work, lack of alkali in the body, oversleeping, overeating and disturbances in digestion are considered to be the main cause. These are heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, etc . It is increase many serious health problems, including blood pressure, certain cancers , sleep apnea and joint problems. Additionally obesity can take a toll on one’s mental and emotional health, leading to problems like depression and low self esteem. The cause of obesity are diverse and may include genetic, environmental, lifestyle, and socioeconomic factors. Unhealthy dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle and availability of high calorie, low nutrient foods significantly contribute to condition. Genetics may also play a role in a person’s susceptibility to obesity.

Addressing obesity involves a comprehensive approach, which includes dietary modifications, increased physical activity, behaviour changes and sometimes medical interventions. The journey to managing and preventing obesity requires not only reducing body weight but also improving overall health and well being. Obesity management should be tailored to the individual’s considering their unique circumstances and needs.

As a global health issue, taking obesity requires public health strategies, awareness and a supportive environment that promotes healthier lifestyle and greater access to nutritious foods and opportunities for physical activity. Ultimately, understanding and addressing obesity is crucial for improving the health and quality of life of individuals and communities. Further in this article, detailed information about obesity is given which will be helpful in reducing weight. 

Obesity: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Management through alternative therapy


Table of contents

 What is Obesity?

 Obesity is including different health risks

 Cardiovascular Problems

 Type 2 Diabetes

 Respiratory Issues:

 Joint Problems

 Mental Health

 Certain Cancers:

 Fatty Liver Disease

 Reproductive Issues

 Quality of Life

 symptoms of obesity

 Causes of Obesity 

 Dietary Habits

 Physical Inactivity



 Environmental Factors

 Psychological Factors

 Socioeconomic status


 Medical Conditions

 Family and Childhood Influences:

 Lack of Sleep

 Eating Disorders



 Certain medical conditions cause obesity 


 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome(PCOS)

 Cushing Syndrome


 Prader-Willi Syndrome

 Complications of Obesity 

 Obesity Diagnosis

 Body Mass Index (BMI)

 Physical Examination

 Medical History

 Laboratory Test

 Assessment of Comorbidities

 Lifestyle and Behaviour Assessment

 Discussing Goals:

 How to weight loss

 Foods for weight loss

 foods avoid for weight loss

 Diet chart for weight loss:

 some important tips for weight loss

 Yogic management of weight loss







 Stress Management

 Mindful Eating

 Track Progress:

 some home remedies:

 Benefits of white petha in reducing weight

 Arjuna bark helps in weight loss

 Cinnamon Powder

What is Obesity?

Obesity: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Management through alternative therapyExcessive increase in body weight is called obesity. When excess fat starts accumulating in the body then it is called obesity. If the body consumes more calories through food than is used by the body, then it causes weight gain because the calories that are used by the body through expenditure or work are converted into energy and the remaining calories are converted obesity. Obesity is a medical condition characterised by the accumulation of excess body fat to the extent that it may have a Negative impact on a person’s health. It is typically determined by an individual’s body mass index (BMI), which is Calculated based on their weight and height. Obesity is often classified into different categories based on BMI:

• Underweight: A BMI below 18.5

• Healthy : A BMI between 18.5 to  24.9

• Overweight: A BMI between 25  to 29.9.

• Obesity (first category): A BMI between 30  to  34.9.

• Obesity (Second category): A BMI between 35 to 39.9.

• Obesity (third category): Also known as morbid obesity, a BMI of 40 or higher.

Obesity is including different health risks:

Cardiovascular Problems: 

Due to disturbance in this system one has to face problems like heart disease and high blood pressure.

Type 2 Diabetes:

 Obesity is a significant risk factor for developing this form of diabetes.

Respiratory Issues:

 Such as sleep apnea and asthma.

Joint Problems: 

Extra weight can strain the joints and lead to conditions like osteoarthritis.

Mental Health:

 Obesity can contribute to mental health issues like depression and low self-esteem.

Certain Cancers:

 Obesity affects the body's immunity, which promotes problems like breast cancer, colon cancer and kidney cancer. That is why obesity is called the home of many diseases.

 Fatty Liver Disease:

 Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is more common in obese individuals. NAFLD can affect Men , Women and Children of all ages, but it is more common in overweight people .A diet rich in fat, calories and fructose can also cause fatty liver disease. Obesity has a profound effect on the functioning of our liver, which can also affect our other body organs .

Reproductive Issues:

 Obesity affects our fertility and can cause complications during pregnancy leading to problems like infertility.

Quality of Life:

 It can reduce overall quality of life and life expectancy.

symptoms of obesity

Obesity it self is not a disease with specific symptoms, but it is a condition characterised by the accumulation of excess body fat. However, Obesity can lead to different health issues and some signs and symptoms associated with these health problems may become noticeable these can include:

Weight Gain

• Difficulty in Physical Activity

• Breathlessness

• Fatigue

• Sleep Apnea

• back and joint pain

• excessive sweating

• High Blood Pressure

• snoring

• Type 2 Diabetes

• sudden inability to perform physical activity

• Heart Disease

• lack of confidence

• Fatty Liver Disease

• feeling alone

• Skin Issues

• psychological effects, including depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Causes of Obesity 

Obesity is a complex condition with multiple contributing factors. While it primarily results from an imbalance between calorie intake and calories expenditures, numerous underlying causes and risk factors can influence an individual’s susceptibility to obesity. 

Some of the key causes and risk factors of obesity include:

Dietary Habits: 

Consuming high-calories, low-nutrients foods that are rich in sugars, fats, and processed Ingredients can contribute to weight gain and obesity.

Physical Inactivity: 

A sedentary lifestyle, characterised by minimal physical activity and prolonged Sitting, can lead to weight gain.


Genetic factors can play a role in determining a person’s susceptibility to obesity. Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to gain weight more easily.


Variations in metabolic rate can influence how effectively the body burn calories and stores fat.

Environmental Factors: 

The environment in which a person lives a significant impact on their eating and physical activity habits. Factors such as  the availability of healthy food options and opportunities for exercise play a role .

Psychological Factors:

Emotional and psychological factors, such as stress, depression and a history of trauma , can contribute to overeating and weight gain.

Socioeconomic status:

 Lower socioeconomic status can limit access to nutritious foods and opportunities for physical activity , making it more challenging to maintain a healthy weight.


Some medication, such as certain antidepressants, antipsychotics, and corticosteroids, can lead to weight gain as a side effect.

Medical Conditions: 

Certain medical conditions, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), hypothyroidism, Cushing Syndrome, and hormonal imbalances, can contribute to obesity.

Family and Childhood Influences:

Family eating patterns and childhood experiences with food can have a lasting impact on eating behaviours and weight.

Lack of Sleep:

 Poor sleep quality or insufficient sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite and contribute to weight gain.

Eating Disorders:

 Conditions like binge - eating disorder can lead to overeating and obesity. It is important to recognise that obesity often results from a combination of these factors rather than a single cause. Additionally, addressing obesity typically requires a multifaceted approach That includes changes in diet, physical activities and lifestyle along with addressing any underlying medical or psychological factors. Consulting with healthcare professionals, such as a doctor or registered dietitian or yoga therapist is essential for developing a personalised and effective weight management plan.


 Many hormones change during the pregnancy period of women, due to which obesity can increase.


 During menopause in women, many hormones are released and changes occur in the body which can lead to weight gain.

Certain medical conditions cause obesity 

The problem of obesity arises due to some medical conditions which are as follows:

• Hypothyroidism:

 Hypothyroidism is a medical condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones, affecting  body functions.which can lead to weight gain.

• Polycystic Ovary Syndrome(PCOS):

PCOD is a condition that causes an imbalance of hormones called androgens which can create an imbalance in our body and lead to weight gain.

PCOS more details.....

• Cushing Syndrome:

Cushing’s syndrome is a rare medical condition caused by prolonged exposure to high levels of the hormone cortisol. This excess cortisol can result from different factors, including the prolonged use of corticosteroids medications or an overproduction of cortisol by the adrenal glands or a tumour. Symptom of Cushing syndrome can include weight gain.

• Osteoarthritis:

Osteoarthritis and others conditions that cause pain, inflammation that may lead to reduced activity.

• Prader-Willi Syndrome

Prader-Willi syndrome, a rare condition present at birth that causes excessive appetite, causing women to overeat, which may lead to weight gain.

Complications of Obesity 

By gaining more weight than normal, a person falls into the category of obesity, due to which there is pressure on the muscles of our body as well as on the internal systems like heart, circulatory, respiratory and excretory systems, which increases inflammation in the body and many metabolic related problems occur. Many types of serious diseases arise. The problem of obesity can cause many diseases in a person:

High Blood Pressure

• Heart Disease

• Attack 

• Some cancers like breast cancer, colon cancer

• gall bladder disease

• Fatty Liver Disease

• Type 2 Diabetes

• high blood pressure problem

• Infertility 

• Arthritis 

• Sleep Apnea and other breathing related problem 

Obesity Diagnosis 

Diagnosis obesity typically involves assessing a person’s body mass index (BMI) and 

Considering other factors related to their health and lifestyle. Here are the key steps 

Involved in diagnosing obesity:

Body Mass Index (BMI): 

BMI is a widely used tool to estimate a person’s body fat based on their weight and height. It is calculated using the formulas: BMI= Weight (kg) / (Height (M)* Height (M) ). The result is usually expressed in units of kg/ m².

A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered normal.

•A BMI between 25 and 29.9 is indicated overweight.

•A BMI between of 30 or higher suggest obesity.

Physical Examination:

 A healthcare provider may perform a physical examination toassess factors like waist circumference and overall body fat distributions. An excessive amount of abdominal fat, often referred to as central or visceral obesity, can be a significant health risk.

Medical History:

 Your healthcare provider will ask about your medical history, including any existing medical conditions , family history of obesity, and medications you may be taking.

Laboratory Test: 

In some cases, additional tests may be recommended to assess health risk 

associate with obesity. These can include :

• Blood tests to check for conditions like high cholesterol, high blood sugar ( indicative of diabetes or prediabetes), and metabolic syndrome.

• Thyroid function tests to rule out thyroid disorders.

• Liver function tests to assess for non -alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Assessment of Comorbidities:

 Obesity is often associated with various health conditions, such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Your healthcare provider may assess these comorbidities and their severity.

Lifestyle and Behaviour Assessment:

 Understanding your eating habits, physical activity level, and any psychological factors related to eating and weight management is important in diagnosing  obesity and developing a personalised treatment plan.

Discussing Goals:

 Your healthcare provider may discuss your weight management goals, taking into account you overall health and well – being. Diagnosing obesity is the first steps toward addressing it. It is important to approach this diagnosis with sensitivity and an understanding of the complex factors that contribute to obesity. Once diagnosed, your healthcare provider can work with you to develop a tailored treatment Plan that may include dietary changes, increased physical activity, behaviour modification, and in some cases medical interventions or surgery for severe obesity. Regular follow up and support are crucial in managing obesity effectively.

How to weight loss

People who eat alkaline food and do exercise are successful in avoiding obesity. Obesity should be reduced gradually. If you do it in a hurry, there is a greater possibility of dying from some serious disease.

Foods for weight loss: 

Egg white, old rice, millet, maize, barley, thin khichdi, vegetable porridge, whole moong dal, peeled moong, gram, arhar dal, kulath, peeled masoor dal, apple, pomegranate, orange, papaya, bottle gourd, Parwal, spinach, seasonal vegetables, green vegetables, leafy and fiber vegetables, pumpkin, light food, buttermilk, bran bread. Cucumber, carrot, radish, beetroot, onion, tomato, cabbage, cucumber, ladyfinger, ridge gourd, fenugreek vegetable, Bathua, Tinde, Cauliflower, paneer, brinjal, mustard greens, collard greens, black salt, rock salt, Avla.

Foods avoid for weight loss:

Do not eat these things to lose weight new rice, new wheat, banana, potato, jackfruit, taro, spicy food, pickles, refined oil, excessive salt, excessive oil, cold drinks, bakery products, milk products, junk food, canned food, chocolate, excessive non-veg, Coffee, tea, sweets, liquor, flour products, Milk, ghee, curd, stale roti, double bread, urad dal, tamasic food spices, drinking milk or curd after eating soaked dates, drinking milk after eating mango etc. are helpful in gaining weight.

Diet chart for weight loss:

Here we are going to tell you about a balanced diet which will be helpful in losing weight, which will help in fulfilling the needs of your body while keeping your body healthy and you can get all these things. Calories in this diet chart It has been kept low and the amount of nutrients has been kept high. It contains all the things which are useful for your health to reduce weight.

1.wake up Early morning befor motion: 

Take two to three glasses of lukewarm water

2.Early morning(between 6:00am to 6:30 am ) : 

Take a cup of fenugreek water or turmeric water(1/4 teaspoons turmeric in 1 glass water) or Take one spoon of roasted flaxseed with a glass of hot water or Take one spoon of pure honey with a glass of warm water or Take one spoon of Triphala powder with a glass of warm water or Take two to three cloves of garlic with a glass of hot water.

3.Breakfast (between 7:30am to 8:30 am ):

Fruits,3 idali 1 cup sambhar,1/4 cup coconut chutney,1 cup green tea, ankurit(Germinated), and 5 soaked almonds, oats /besan chila/vegetable daliya.

4.Mid morning (between 10 am to 10:30 am):

Soya milk, fruits ( ,Guava, watermelon, apple, anar, papaya ,orange, all sessionally fruits )coconut water 

5.Lunch ( between 12:30pm to 1 pm):

2 or 3 chapati, 1 bowl of old rice,1 bowl of daal,2 bowl of vegetable, every day including  different Green vegetables or chicken curry and 30 minutes before eating 1 plate of salad(Cucumber, carrot, radish, beetroot, onion, tomato, cabbage, cucumber).A cup of buttermilk 15 to 20 minutes after eating.

6.Evening(between 4:00 pm to 4:30pm):

One cup sprouted moong and fifteen to twenty peanuts, You can add lemon juice or black salt to taste or Instead of this, you can also make cucumber and carrot salad and eat it Or you can also take dry fruits or u can take roasted gram.

7.Dinner (between 7:00pm to 8 pm):

Mix veg daliya/chapati 2 only, green vegetable, fish curry, 30 minutes before eating half plate of salad(Cucumber, carrot, radish, beetroot, onion, tomato, cabbage, cucumber)

8.Sleeping time:

Sauf water or triphala powder or Take a cup of lukewarm cow's tond milk with turmeric powder.

Four week diet chart more details....

Some important tips for weight loss 

  • Do not drink water for one to one and a half hours after eating food.

  • Drink three to four liters of water every day.

  • In the morning and evening, regularly walk or run briskly in the open air as per your strength.

  • As soon as you wake up in the morning, drink half a liter of lukewarm water and go to the toilet.

  • Squeeze half a lemon in a glass of warm water and drink it before sleeping at night

  • Include as much raw and boiled food as possible in your diet, avoid eating fried food.

  • Whenever your stomach is heavy, you can fast and take enema.

  • If possible, take steam bath once a week.

Yogic management of weight loss 

Yoga can be a helpful component of the weight loss journey by promoting physical activity, mindfulness, and relaxation. It aids in weight management by reducing stress, improving flexibility and increasing body awareness. Incorporating yoga into a balanced fitness and nutrition plan can contribute to a holistic approach to weight loss. However, for significant weight loss, it is essential to combine yoga with other forms of exercise and maintain a healthy diet. Always consult a health care professional before starting any new exercise or weight loss program. almost all cases of obesity will return to normal body weight and an inspired life if a daily yoga practice is followed with determination. yoga practice provides an excellent means for achieving this goal.

•  Cardiac exercise 

•  Surya Namaskar

Surya namaskar try to do ten to twelve cycles slowly with breathing as per your capacity.

•  Asanas:

You can do some of these asanas

•Tadasana, chatichakrasana, Tiryaka tadasana, back forward bending, Trikonasana, Sarvangapusthi, dandasana, Paschimottanasan, chakki chalasana, Meru vakrasana, Janushirasana, Kurmasana, Purvottanasana, Matyendrasana, cat cow pose, Vajrasana, shashankasana, Ushtrasana, supt Vajrasana, Bhadrasana, Parsvakonasana, Parivrtta Parsvakonasana, Poorna Titali asana, Skandh chakra, Greeva Sanchalana, utthanpadasana(raised legs pose), chakra padasana(leg rotation), Udarakarshanasana, Naukasana(boat pose), Simhagarjanasana(roaring lion pose), Bhujangasana, Tiryaka Bhujangasana, Sarpasana, Ardha Shalabhasana, Shalabhasana, Saral Dhanurasana, Dhanurasana , Kandharasana, Chakrasana, Hasta pada angushthasana, Parivritti janu Sirshasana, Moordhasana, Halasana, Sarvangasana.

Paschimottanasana more details....

Bhujangasana more details....

Ushtrasana more details....


Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Nadi shodhana, Bhramari,Sury bhedi pranayam, Abdomen breathing.


Prana Mudra,Agni mudra,Surya Mudra.


Udyan bandh 


Shavasana, Yoga nidra and Meditation.

Yoga and yogic diet management more details.......


Prioritize good-quality sleep. Lack of sleep can disrupt hormones related to appetite and metabolism.

Stress Management: 

Find healthy ways to cope with stress, as it can lead to emotional eating. Techniques like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga can be helpful.

Mindful Eating: 

Pay attention to what you eat, eat slowly, and savor each bite. Avoid distractions like TV or smartphones while eating.

Track Progress:

 Keep a record of your meals, exercise, and weight changes. This can help you stay accountable and adjust your plan as needed.

Remember, not everyone has the same approach to weight loss. What works for one person may not work for another. Every person's personality, body needs and working capacity are different. It also depends on our metabolism. Even if some people do the same exercise, it will not have the same effect for all of them. It is important to find a plan that suits our individual needs, preferences, lifestyle and health needs and ensure that it works in the long run. Remain sustainable over the long term. Which develops our physical and mental health and primarily prioritizes our overall health and well-being.

Some home remedies:

•  Benefits of white petha in reducing weight:

White Petha is considered to be a source of nutrients but it has low calories and abundant fiber content which prevents hunger and makes one feel full. The body needs nutrients and energy to do whatever work it needs. We get this by consuming white petha juice, along with this, phytosterols are found in white petha which is considered helpful in reducing weight. That is why consuming white petha on an empty stomach in the morning is useful in reducing weight. Will be proved.

White petha more details.....

•  Arjuna bark helps in weight loss:

Arjuna bark speeds up the metabolism due to which the digestive system becomes stronger and the food gets easily digested, due to which our body gets the energy it needs and also due to better metabolism, the extra energy in the body gets absorbed. Fat is what makes the body fat, it remains balanced and if a person is obese, making a decoction of this bark and consuming it in the morning and evening will help in reducing excess fat or obesity.

Arjun bark more details....

•  Cinnamon Powder:

Boil one spoon cinnamon powder and two cups of water. When half is left, strain it. Taking it in the morning on an empty stomach will be beneficial in reducing weight.

Remember, In the present society, it has become very important to teach the importance of eating according to hunger and physical needs and this is possible only through the practice of Yoga , become it diverts the expression of our fundamental desires away from food towards creative and inspirational thoughts. To weight loss, we need to pay attention to many dimensions, because along with losing weight, we also have to keep ourselves physical and mental health, that is why there is a need to make a weight management program keeping in mind our overall health. Due to which the excess fat of the body also reduces and the body remains energetic and strong. Due to which our working capacity increases and the working capacity of our body parts also increases. In view of this need, the most effective solution is to do yoga and balanced diet. Adding to your lifestyle, our daily routine should also be fine, we have to fix the environment of the place where we live so that we can keep ourselves mentally stress free , eating habits, getting up early in the morning. Take water as per the requirement of the body, think positive, keep in touch with good people, understanding the needs of the body, avoid outside food and eat balanced home cooked food which is suitable for your health. It is important to keep in mind that Yoga and diet is an important part of an obesity management plan. It should be combined with a balanced diet and medical supervision if necessary. Before starting any new exercise our routine, especially if you suffer from underlying health conditions, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professionals or qualified Yoga therapist to ensure safety and suitability for your individual needs. Thus following the important suggestions and treatment methods mentioned in this article regularly will definitely help in reducing obesity.

Yogic diet more details.....

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Beetroot benefits details.....

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