What to do and what not to do during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is such a pleasant phase of a woman for which every married woman is eager and every woman wants to go through this phase, this stage of a woman is considered very delicate, a lot of care has to be taken in it, every action should be taken care of. We also have to take special care of our eating habits during this period. Many things are included in the food and many things are avoided. What should be done for a pregnant woman, what should not be done, all these things are specially mentioned. It is considered very important to take care, otherwise many disadvantages can be seen. Further in this article, we have mentioned what should be done and what should not be done during pregnancy.

What should be done during pregnancy?

  • Women who are pregnant for the first time remain unfamiliar with what to do during pregnancy. Further, all these things are mentioned in this article.
  • During pregnancy, one should consume more nutritious food like citrus fruits, orange, seasonal fruits, amla.
  • Carbohydrates present in potatoes, rice and bread work to increase the energy level in the body of a pregnant woman, which is considered essential for the changes taking place in the body.
  • Folic acid is considered important in reducing the risk of neural tube defects in the fetus, this acid is present in strawberries, oranges, green vegetables and fruits.
  • During pregnancy, proper amount of water is considered essential for the proper development of the mother and the fetus. At this time, a woman should drink three to four liters of water a day. Always drink water sip by sip, drink water slowly. Drinking while sitting is considered beneficial, include one glass of juice in the day and if possible, take coconut water two to three times a week.
  • Be sure to include whole grains during pregnancy, it is rich in calories which is considered very useful for the health of both the pregnant mother and the baby. Brown rice, oats and quinoa can be included in your diet.
  • Due to slow digestion process during pregnancy, the problem of constipation and gas increases significantly, hence including more fiber rich foods in your diet keeps the stomach clean and gas is not formed.
  • A pregnant woman should consume more dairy products than a normal human being because at this time milk, curd, ghee and cheese are required for the development of the pregnant mother as well as the fetus which fulfills the need of protein and calcium. Let's complete. Therefore, pregnant women should include adequate amount of dairy products in their diet.
  • Any pregnant woman needs more vitamins, iron, protein during pregnancy than a normal person, hence include green vegetables like beans, cabbage, pulses, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, carrots etc. in sufficient quantity in her diet. Should be included.
  • Dry fruits can fulfill many of our needs during pregnancy, hence include almonds, cashews, raisins, walnuts, makhana, coconut etc. in your diet. Many types of nutrients like fiber, vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids are found in it. Which is considered useful for the development of the pregnant woman and the fetus.
  • During pregnancy, consume seasonal fruits like apple, orange, pomegranate, pear, guava etc., it is considered healthy for both the pregnant mother and the baby
  • Be sure to get information about sex routine from your doctor. Generally, doctors recommend having sex once a week in the first trimester, but if there is any health related problem, then they can change the sex routine considering your health. It mainly depends on the health of the pregnant woman.
  • During pregnancy, along with eating habits, you should also pay special attention to the way you sit and stand. In this condition, the woman should not sit at one place or in one position for a long time. She should keep changing her position and keep her lower back straight. One should sit so that there is no pressure on the lower part of the stomach and the uterus, sit with the back straight, otherwise there may be pain in both the waist and stomach and blood circulation may get disrupted.
  • A pregnant woman should wake up early in the morning because only when she follows the routine properly, she will be able to eat on time, sleep on time and wake up on time. Every pregnant woman should leave the bed early in the morning. This will reduce all your time. It will be done, if you can take a morning walk in the morning then do your routine exercise and pranayam, meditate, study some good books which are useful for you and the development of the fetus, sleep on time, this will bring positive positive effects in the body. Energy will remain, it will be better for the health of both the pregnant mother and the baby if you wake up early and follow your daily routine properly. Doctors also advise that you should wake up on time and complete your daily routine on time, which helps the mother. It will have a positive impact on the health of both you and the child.
  • A woman should wear loose clothes during pregnancy because there is no unnecessary pressure anywhere in the body, your body will remain relaxed, proper amount of oxygen reaches the body, blood circulation will be proper, there will be no difficulty in getting up and sitting, stomach You will remain in a comfortable state.
  • During pregnancy, take health related consultation from your doctor every month, so that you can get complete information about yourself and the fetus.
  • When a pregnant woman is experiencing excessive vomiting or nervousness, then she must go to her doctor and consult him so that the time can be controlled.
  • Iodine is considered very essential for the mental development of the fetus. Its deficiency can cause many types of mental diseases in the child. Therefore, the pregnant mother should consume adequate amount of iodine keeping in mind her health and the health of the child. .
  • Protein is considered essential for the development of organs in our body. It is considered helpful in building the skin and muscles of the body, that is why adequate amount of protein is necessary for a pregnant woman.
  • Wake up early in the morning and take a long deep breath in the fresh air.
  • During pregnancy, women should rest for ten hours at night and two hours during the day.
  • During pregnancy, fluid intake should be reduced at night, otherwise you may have to go to urinate frequently at night, which will disturb your sleep.
  • Teeth should be brushed twice a day.
  • In case of foul-smelling white discharge from the genitals, pain or burning sensation in the genitals, consult your doctor immediately.

What should not be done during pregnancy?

What things should be kept in mind during pregnancy, what should not be done, information about all these things for pregnant women is mentioned further in this article.

  • During this stage, stay away from chemicals, acids and substances with strong odor.
  • Consumption of papaya during pregnancy can be harmful because latex chemical is found in papaya which increases the risk of contraction of the uterus which can be harmful for the fetus.
  • During pregnancy, do not take medicines without doctor's prescription, take the medicines prescribed by your gynecologist on time and keep getting regular checkups done.
  • Alcohol and smoking should not be consumed during pregnancy. Although intoxication is considered harmful for everyone irrespective of the person, but one should not consume alcohol even by mistake during pregnancy because it harms the physical and mental health of the pregnant mother as well as the baby in the womb. It can hinder growth and intoxication also increases the chances of miscarriage.
  • Pregnant women who consume too much tea and coffee should reduce it or stop it completely because a chemical called caffeine is found in tea and coffee, which can increase the risk of miscarriage if consumed excessively.
  • Sprouted foods should not be consumed during pregnancy because sprouted foods contain many types of Salmonella bacteria, Listeria bacteria, E. coli bacteria, which can pose a risk of food poisoning.
  • During pregnancy, consumption of aloe vera juice should be avoided in the first trimester because sometimes it increases the possibility of bleeding in the pelvic area, which can be difficult for the woman's health.
  • During this time, avoid heavy exercise and practice exercises that are suitable for your health, so that both you and the fetus remain healthy and healthy and both can develop physically and mentally.
  • Women should not sit in a hot tube or sauna during pregnancy, as it can harm them and the fetus.
  • Standing for a long time during pregnancy can be harmful, hence you should take rest in between so that you remain healthy.
What is Pregnancy? more details....

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