Oil pulling

Oil pulling
Oil pulling
Oil pulling is considered a very important remedy to make teeth healthy, beautiful and strong. It is a very ancient Ayurvedic method which is done to strengthen teeth and gums. Oil pulling helps in removing many types of diseases from our teeth. It keeps the teeth safe from diseases, it cleans the teeth from inside, it cures the impurities in the mouth and if there are any bacteria, virus or harmful bacteria present in the teeth, it destroys them.

Right way to do oil pulling

First of all, take one and a half to two tablespoons of mustard, coconut or sesame oil. Take this oil in the mouth and keep swishing it in the mouth for fifteen to twenty minutes. After this, spit out the oil and rinse with lukewarm water. The oil used in oil pulling Do not swallow it or gargle it, use it only in the practice of oil pulling. This practice of oil pulling will destroy all types of bacteria, germs, viruses and impurities from inside our mouth, thereby keeping the teeth healthy, beautiful. Will help in making it shiny and strong.

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