How to have beautiful and healthy teeth?

Written by: Dr.Virendra Singh 
How to have beautiful and healthy teeth?
Beautiful and healthy teeth
The beauty and health of teeth depends on their cleanliness, evenness and brightness. We cannot change the shape of the teeth that God has given us, but we can definitely take care of their health and strength by keeping them clean, healthy, safe and when sick. 

With beautiful teeth, the work of grinding food is done properly and at the same time, half of the food is digested in the mouth. Sick, bleeding and purulent teeth are caused by constipation or stomach upset. Health and beauty get destroyed due to weak digestive power. Which has a very bad effect on our teeth. Dirty teeth means bad health and ugliness. Teeth have a close relationship with our intestines. If there is any problem or disease in the intestines or stomach, then it will definitely have a bad effect on our teeth. That is why it is considered very important to take care of teeth. Along with teeth, we have to keep our entire body healthy, only then we will be successful in keeping our teeth healthy and beautiful.

It is very beautifully said in the Vedic scriptures that every beauty lover should “by keeping the teeth neat, clean, strong and free from diseases, a person can be saved from dysentery, constipation, dysentery, serious diseases of the mouth, throat, palate, tongue, gums and teeth.” Can be saved." Due to not cleaning the teeth, grime accumulates in them. The grime gives rise to worms which affect our teeth and along with this, the grime accumulates in the stomach and causes indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence and constipation. The filth causes diseases of the throat, palate and tongue and makes them ugly, black and hollow. Worms in the intestines and rotten pieces of food cause dental capsule diseases, pyorrhea occurs due to pus accumulation. In this way, teeth get destroyed due to these terrible diseases, hence an intelligent person should take care of those teeth. Always protect your teeth, only then can your teeth always be kept healthy and beautiful.

To maintain beautiful teeth, people who have access to toothpaste can regularly use toothpaste from trees like acacia, neem, pilu, tamarisk etc. and people living in the city can buy good toothpaste from the market or Mix a pinch of turmeric, a little mustard oil and a pinch of salt and massage this mixed paste on your teeth. It will work as the best toothpaste and your teeth will also be healthy, clean, beautiful and strong. This toothpaste can also be made at home. 

Some essential measures to keep teeth healthy and strong

  • Use a good quality brush for cleaning teeth.

  • Slowly rub the brush on the teeth.

  • It will be most useful for teeth if toothbrush or finger is used instead of brush.

  • Brush your teeth at least four times each day

  • Rinse or brush your teeth after eating or consuming any substance.

  • If we have taken any hot food or drink, then cold food or drink should not be consumed immediately after that.

  • Every person should take a balanced diet in which the body can get adequate amounts of calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C and other nutrients as required.

  • Battisi is not frozen and mixed, in that situation a crack or space is formed between the teeth. When we eat food, food or grain particles get stuck in that empty space, which is harmful for the teeth, that is why this situation occurs. After eating, we should clean our teeth properly with a tooth scraper and rinse immediately after eating so that the particles of food or stuck food can come out from the teeth and the teeth can be cleaned.

  • Amla, carrot, spinach, radish, lemon, beans, mustard greens, almonds, cashew nuts, makhana, raw coconut, banana, apple, pear, grapes, orange, broccoli, beetroot, mushroom, bathua greens, fenugreek greens, buttermilk, Food items like butter, curd, cheese, ghee, jaggery, coconut water, seasonal fruits, pomegranate, gram, sattu, mango, raisins, dates, walnuts etc. should be consumed. All these are considered good sources of Vitamin D, Calcium, Vitamin C. Beneficial for teeth.

  • Take a small piece of alum and put it in half a glass of normal fresh water for twenty seconds. After this fill this water in your mouth and hold it for some time and then spit the water out. Similarly, gargle seven to eight times. Fill it in and then pour out the water. Do it like a rinse. This will give relief to the teeth. If there is any problem, it will help in fixing it and the roots of the teeth will become stronger.

  • Sleeping after eating any substance can be harmful. Make sure to rinse your teeth after eating to keep your teeth healthy.

  • Staying hungry for a long time, eating late, constipation can also cause many dental diseases, hence eat food on time and keep the stomach and teeth clean.

  • To make teeth strong and healthy, keep doing oil pulling from time to time.

Some wrong ways to make teeth unhealthy and ugly

  • To keep teeth healthy and strong, do not use too hot water or food, it weakens the gums.

  • Do not use too cold water and food, this also increases the risk of gums becoming weak.

  • Do not use excessively salty foods, this can also harm the gums.

  • Scraping the teeth all the time also causes the roots of the teeth to become hollow, due to which the gums become weak and the teeth may become weak.

  • Iron nail, pin or scraping with teeth is harmful for the health of teeth.

  • When we consume excessive amounts of sweets, problems arise in our teeth.

  • Eating excessive amounts of chocolate is harmful for teeth.

  • Consuming excessive amounts of canned or flour-rich food can harm teeth.

  • Lack of calcium in the body can weaken teeth and bones.

  • Consuming excessive amounts of coffee and tea can also harm teeth.

  • Excessive brushing of teeth can weaken the gums or teeth.

  • Deficiency of Vitamin D can cause weak teeth.

  • Due to deficiency of Vitamin C in the body, teeth can become weak and diseased.

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