Exercise and balanced diet to make women look beautiful and attractive

Exercise and balanced diet to make women look beautiful and attractive
Women Look Beautiful and Attractive

To look permanently beautiful, glowing and attractive, exercise and a balanced diet are considered to be the most essential because their disturbance hampers mental and physical health, which hinders the ability to remain beautiful and attractive. Regular exercise as per scientific rules. Exercise and balanced diet are the only solutions that can make a person beautiful, attractive, healthy and glowing, whether it is a man or a woman.

If we keep exercising regularly and keep our body healthy by staying away from unnecessary worries and stress, then we can remain beautiful, attractive and glowing throughout our life. Women should do some special exercises for beauty, Take a walk from time to time, practice yoga regularly. In yoga practice, do subtle exercises, Surya Namaskar, simple asanas as per your capacity, practice pranayama, meditation and postures. Do the asanas in such a way that the entire body gets exercised in the asanas. Also, Anulom Vilom, Nadi Shodhan, Bhramari Pranayam and deep breathing are considered very important. Apart from this, Prana Mudra, which works to increase our life force, develops our immunity. This helpful mudra provides strength to the body. The second mudra, Jal Mudra or Varun Mudra, is considered very useful in beautifying our body. It works to purify the blood of our body. By practicing it regularly, the blood gets purified which is good for the body. Along with this, we should also practice meditation from time to time so that the mind remains calm and stress free and our mind remains concentrated, be aware of the body, be conscious of health. Physically and mentally Stay healthy, happy and joyful. Apart from this, take balanced diet from time to time which is necessary for the body. Take regular bath, massage the body properly, live in pure environment, walk regularly and stay happy. All these You can remain beautiful by taking care of things.

When women practice asanas in yoga, it helps in proper blood circulation in the entire body, toning of the body takes place, any excess fat gets reduced and the body looks attractive. The functions of the body increase. Toxins are released through blood and sweat, which helps in keeping the body healthy. Similarly, when we practice Pranayama, more pure oxygen reaches us, lungs become stronger and deep breathing takes place. By filling, supplementing and practicing mudra’s the respiratory system gets strengthened. More amount of oxygen goes inside our body and carbon dioxide comes out from inside which purifies the blood. Purification of blood increases additional beauty in the body.

The beauty of the skin of the body depends on two things, first, dirt should not accumulate on the skin from outside and second, the blood should remain pure from inside. If we only keep washing the skin from outside with the help of good soap, rubbing, cream, Vaseline or anything else to become beautiful. The use of cosmetic material is only for cleaning the outside, but to look really beautiful, it is very important to be pure from inside. It is considered very important for the blood to be pure. The purity of blood depends on the lungs and food. The diet should be such that constipation does not occur and the lubricant element remains sufficient. Milk, butter, cheese, curd, lassi or pure ghee are considered the best solutions for lubrication in the body. Apart from this, dry fruits, raisins, cashews etc. Consume almonds, dates, pistachios, dates, makhana, coconut etc. The internal lubrication keeps the skin smooth. Do not let constipation occur in you. Eat fibrous vegetables in maximum quantity. , Eat greens leafy salad. Eat green leafy vegetables in large quantities. Cabbage, carrot, tomato, peas, lemon, beans, bottle gourd, capsicum, beetroot, parbal, mushroom, broccoli, spinach, coriander leaves, bathua, Cauliflower. Consume as much onion, ladyfinger, radish leaves, fenugreek leaves as possible. Pure honey and jaggery are also considered good for health. It helps in purifying the blood and is helpful in providing beauty to the body.

The beauty of the body depends on the cleanliness inside and outside. The more clean and pure you look from inside and outside, the more beautiful you will look. Where there is dirt, there is ugliness. Maintaining dirt means inviting yourself to become ugly. You cannot become permanently beautiful unless you take care of those parts of the body through which internal waste or dirt is cleaned.

There are four important organs that purify the internal components.

There are four important organs involved in the purification of Component





Each of these components plays an important role in keeping the body clean. The lungs work to clean the blood and expel the dirty air. The skin works to expel the dirt and toxins from our body through sweat. Kidneys work to remove innumerable toxins from the urinary tract. Intestines work to expel the stool. If these parts of our body do not function properly and display momentary dysfunction and are not alert in the removal of stool, then Many types of diseases or death can occur. If we want to look healthy and beautiful, then all the parts of our body have to function properly, only then we can remain mentally and physically healthy.

These are considered to be four precious parts of our physical machine. If they are not taken care of properly or if they are even slightly careless, a person may have to live with diseases, grief and fear throughout his life. By taking proper care of these four, the body The beauty shines automatically.


This organ continuously works to throw out contaminated air from the body. But if we do not inhale properly and inhale shallowly and hurry in inhaling, do not expand our stomach while inhaling, then the lungs are not able to be completely filled with air at one go. Due to this, the lungs become weak and weak along with the blood The process of purification also does not happen properly because the lungs are not able to draw sufficient amount of oxygen from outside. Being in dirty air can also affect the purification of blood. If there is a problem like cold and cough etc. then there can be a problem in inhaling pure air, which can affect the purification of blood. There is sufficient amount of oxygen which is considered as life force and develops the body's immunity. It plays an important role in making the body organs functional and protects from diseases and even if diseases occur, they can be cured quickly. Deep breathing is as essential for every person as food, water etc. are considered essential. Apart from this, physical exertion, brisk walking in clean fresh air, jumping, doing asanas, pranayama, Surya Namaskar etc. etc. are considered the best solutions.


The skin works to expel toxins and toxic elements from our body through sweat. To keep it healthy, we take clean bath, friction bath, in this bath, after bathing, rub the entire body with a towel moistened with water. After this, rub the entire body properly with a rough towel, which will open the pores of our skin, which will also keep the temperature of our body balanced and with the opening of the pores, the toxins and toxic elements of our body will come out of the body through sweat. Which helps in keeping the body healthy and beautiful. After this, massage the entire body by rubbing it properly so that the blood will start flowing faster in the muscles of our entire body. Due to the increase in the speed of blood in the blood carrying fibers, the heart It also helps in work.

Life is a movement, and what is movement? A burning action of oxygen combined with other elements which produces one or more hysteretic substances. If these obstacles gradually accumulate and become more in quantity at any one place then it Can create chemical obstacles which can cause diseases like pain, swelling, movement of muscles, emptiness etc. in the body. Massage works by breaking up the accumulation of such substances and expelling them. And pushing the blood fluid into the circulatory system. It does the work of throwing them out of the body through the excretory organs. By reaching the muscles in large quantities, pure blood nourishes the male muscular system of the body, prevents accumulation of toxic substances, it prevents our weakness. In the part where massage is done, along with blood circulation, heat is generated and oxygen reaches the body more and more.


Kidney is considered an important organ in our body. It works to remove the dirt, feces, toxins or toxic elements from our body through the urinary tract. With the health of this organ, all the dirt of our body gets removed which helps in blood circulation. It helps in getting purified which can prove helpful in enhancing our beauty. To keep it healthy, one should do regular exercise, drink adequate amount of water, consume liquids like milk, lassi, buttermilk, sugarcane juice etc. Due to which urine will come out properly and will help in throwing out toxic elements from the body.


The large intestine is also considered to have an important role in expelling the waste from the body. The function of the large intestine is to remove the waste from food and expel the dirty stool. In comparison to the small intestine, it has more thickness and expansion. This six feet long alimentary canal It is considered to be the last part of the body which works to expel the poison in the form of stool from the body. If for some reason this poison in the form of stool does not come out of the body, then gradually many types of diseases will arise and the person will become ugly, unhealthy and ugly. It will be visible that his skin will lose its glow because if these toxic elements do not come out of the body then they will mix with the blood and contaminate the entire body due to which the beauty and health will be completely disrupted. Therefore, it is necessary that the person does not become constipated. Cleanliness should be done properly due to which digestion will be done properly, appetite will be felt properly, body will get proper nutrition. Pure blood will be produced in the entire body which will help in making us beautiful. We will have to practice regularly in all these aspects if we want to become beautiful. If it is beautiful then to maintain that beauty we will have to practice yoga regularly, exercise, balanced diet, healthy routine and live a stress-free life which will help in keeping us beautiful, attractive and glowing.

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