Define Obesity, Obesity treatment (Metabolic Disease)

Written byDr. Shraddha Thakur

 Edited by Pratibha Thakur

Define Obesity, Obesity treatment (Metabolic Disease)

obesity is a medical condition of excess body weight when a person is 20% or more above the ideal body weight it can occur at any age in either sex 

Major causes of obesity is due to overeating and lack of exercise 

The body mass index ( BMI) and waist circumference are obesity measure that normally used to detect and classify the state and level of obesity. Further in this article, we will define obesity in detail and also describe the obesity treatment in detail in this article.

Table of Contents 

  • Definition 

  • WHO classification of BMI

  • Etiology 

  • Causes 

  • Sign and Symptoms 

  • type of obesity 

  • Diagnosis 

  • Differential Diagnosis 

  • Complication

  • Naturopathy diagnosis

  • Investigation 

  • Management through naturopathy 

  • Yoga therapy 

Definition of obesity 

obesity is a chronic condition defined by an excessive deposition of storage of fat in adipose tissue that is sufficient magnitude to impair health. It usually result from consumption of food in excess of physiological needs 

Normally a certain amount of body fats necessary for storing energy, heat insulation, shock absorption and other functions 

WHO classification of obesity 

Define Obesity, Obesity treatment (Metabolic Disease)

  • classification            BMI      Associated Health risk

  • Underweight          <18.5      Low

  • Normal                 18.5-24.9     Average 

  • Overweight              > 25         

  • Pre- obese           25-29.9        increased

  • Obese class-1      30-34.9      moderate increased 

  • Obese class-2      35-39.9       Severe increased 

  • class -3 ( obese)   >40    Very severely increased 

The body mass index ( BMI) 

Define Obesity, Obesity treatment (Metabolic Disease)

The body mass index is calculated using a person height and weight 

The body mass index ( BMI) equal a person weight in kilograms (kg) divided by their height in meter ( m) square 


the balance between calorie intake and energy expenditure determines a person's weight. The most common cause of obesity are overeating and physical inactivity there are various causes of obesity described below 

 Causes of obesity 

Define Obesity, Obesity treatment (Metabolic Disease)

1. inherited causes/ genetic causes 

2. Environmental causes-

    (a) eating habits-


  Frequency of eating 

  A diet high in simple  carbohydrate

     (b) physical inactivity 

     (c) other cause - 1. Age 

2. Pregnancy 

3. Lack of Sleep 

4. Socioeconomic conditions 

5. Certain medications like steroids , ocp's 

6. Psychological factors 

7. Disease like hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, insulin resistance, high eating syndrome etc

 Sign and symptoms of obesity 

1. Increased weight 

2. Thickness around the midsection 

3. Difficulty in movement 

4. Darkening and thickening around neck, axilla, elbow, under breast, waist and groin 

5. Feeling dull , lazy and lethargic 

6. Breathlessness 

7. Difficulty in sleep 

8. Feeling very tired every day 

9. Inability to cope with sudden physical activity 

10. Back and joint pains

11. Low confidence levels 

12. feeling isolated in society 

13. People may also experience psychological problem such as- low self esteem 

14. Obesity can also cause change such as hypertension, high cholesterol level and type 2 diabetes 

15. Snoring 

16. Pain in joints 

  Type of obesity 

Define Obesity, Obesity treatment (Metabolic Disease)

1. Android type/ apple shape/ central obesity -

Adipose tissue accumulation occurs predominantly in the upper half of the body 

These patient have - hyperinsulinemia , diabetes mellitus , dyslipidemia, hyperuricemia ,

Coronary artery disease, hypertension.

These type of obesity is hypertrophic and the treatment offers slightly better result

2. Gynoid  shape / pear shape/ visceral obesity-

Adipose tissue accumulation occurs predominantly in the lower half of the body ( pelvis, thigh) it is associated with varicose vein and arthritis 

This type of obesity is hyperplasia and resistant to treatment 


obesity is usually determined by looking at the body 

Measuring weight in proportion to height is the traditional way of determining whether one person is overweight, obese or normal weight 

Test to diagnose obesity includes - 

  • Taking case history 

  • A general physical exam 

  • Calculating body mass index ( BMI)

  • Waist circumference or waist to hip ratio 

  • Skinfold caliper/ thickness 

  • Water displacement test 

  • Checking for other health problems 

  • Blood test 

Differential diagnosis 

  • Acromegaly 

  • Ascites 

  • Down syndrome 

  • Cushing syndrome 

  • Polycystic ovary disease 

  • Hypothyroidism 

  • Myxedema

  • Chronic hepatic disease 

Complication of obesity 

Type -2 diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia , hyperuricemia , ( metabolic syndrome) 

Osteoarthritis , varicose veins, urinary incontinence ( mechanical effect of weight)

Gall stone commonly cholesterol stones ( due to enhanced biliary secretion of cholesterol, super saturation of bile)

Non- alcoholic fatty liver disease ( non -alcoholic steatohepatitis which may lead to cirrhosis) 

Hormone- dependent peripheral steroid inter - conversion in adipose tissue 

Gout , hernia, cervical and lumbar spondylitis 

Increase risk of fetal defect associated with maternal obesity 

Cancer ( obesity in males increase risk of cancer of esophagus, colon, rectum , pancreas, liver and prostate . Obesity in females is associated with endometrium ,ovaries and cervix


   Naturopathy diagnosis -

1.facial diagnosis -

 (a) general obesity is represented by mixed encumbrance 

(b) central obesity is represented by front encumbrance 

2. Iris diagnosis - 

weekend and relaxed digestive tract is indicated by distention of areas of stomach and bowel in iris 

3. Swara diagnosis -

 dominance of left nostril breathing is observed 

4. Chromo diagnosis -

 red deficient 


    1. Fasting lipid profile ( total cholesterol,

               Triglycerides, LDL, HDL, VLDL)

    2. Fasting thyroid profile ( T3, T4, TSH)

        3. Fasting insulin 

        4. Fasting blood sugar (FBS)

         5. Post  Prandial blood sugar ( PPBS)

         6. Liver function test 

         7. Renal function test 

          8. Serum Uric acid , urea , growth hormone              (GH) cortisol 

            Abdominal USG



Management through naturopathy 


Importance of diet, physical activity, permanent lifestyle changes after the ideal weight is achieved should monitor, record the circumstance related to eating 

  Fasting therapy - 

( intermittent fasting followed by calorie restriction)

The basic principle of fasting - to improve insulin resistance by reducing the food intake, intermittent fasting for 2 days a week improve leptin sensitivity 

Intermittent fasting also decrease key indicator of coronary heart disease ( CHD) risk such as LDL cholesterol and triglycerides 

  Diet therapy  -

Food becomes poison, when the quantity is increased 

Water drinking 

Juice diet ( seasonal fruit juice, vegetable juice) this juice diet may be continued for a week depending on the condition of the patient, juice like mango juice, grape juice may be avoided because of its high sugar and calories 

  • Live or natural food

  • Low fat 

  • Low carbohydrates 

  • Low calories 

  • High fiber diet 

  • Sattvic diet 

  • Liberal amount of fluid 

  • Sprouts includes

Commonly used herbs and spices including- fenugreek seed, ginger, turmeric and cinnamon have quality that aid digestion, lower inflammation, control blood sugar levels and speed up metabolism- using herbs as a form of morning and night herbal tea 

             Time.                Food

  • Morning              Herbal tea 

  • Breakfast             One bowl (400 (gm) Fruit Salad                                           

  • Lunch                Germinated seeds (Approx -50-100gm,This may be seasonal 

                        With fresh lemon juice , pepper a pinch of black Salt ,coriander leaves and mint according to Individual taste .

  • Midafternoon              One glass of coconut Water                                       

  • Dinner                            One bowl of seasonal Fruit Salad 

  • Night drink                    Herbal drink 

Above diet may be given for a week.

After a week evening fruit salad may be replaced with one bowl of steamed vegetables.

This type of diet not only help to reduce obesity but also prevent cardiovascular disease, arthritis, cancer etc .

Following food are strictly banned for obese individuals-

 1. White sugar 

  2. Refined wheat flour ( maida)

  3. Soft drink , health drink

  4. Cake , pastries, chips , samosa

  5. Bottled juice, sauces, syrups 

   6. Preserved stored, ready foods Noodles, pasta etc

   7. Deep fried, oily foods, cheese, Butter, paneer 

    8. Refined grains- white bread, White rice, white pasta 

    9. Potatoes ( fried)

    10. Red meat ( beef , pork , lamb) And processed meats ( salami, 

           Ham, bacon , sausage 


1. Gastro hepatic pack

2. Local cold pack and sauna bath are recommended which are clinically significant 

3. Steam bath 

4. Cold hip bath (20 minutes during fasting and juice diet) 

5. Neem water enema ( for treatment of any unsatisfactory bowel evaluation and essential during liquid diet 

6. Water drinking 2 to 3 .5 liters of water daily 


metabolic disorder are generally caused due to deficiency of yellow and orange colors ( application of light filtered through different colored glasses, external or internal use of color charged water 

 Massage therapy  

full body massage once a week followed by hot water bath and partial massage on abdomen and waist on alternate days can be advocated 


1. Sun bath for about 15- 20 minutes early morning 6- 7 am

2. Plantain leaf bath 

  Mud therapy 

1. mud pack on abdomen for 20 to 30 minutes 

( Early morning ) 

2. Full mud bath once a week 

Acupuncture therapy 

TreatmentMain points -


  •  CV -6

  •  CV -1

  • St -2

  • St -25

  • St -29

  • Sp -15

Supplementary points-   

  • GB -21

  •   H -7

  •   P-6

  •  St -36

  •  GB -34

  •  Sp -6

Ear points  -


  • Stomach 

  • Shenmen 

  • Large intestine 

Scalp needling  -         Gastric area 


1. Mild electrical stimulation, 20 to 30 minutes daily, for 2 weeks 

2. Course may be repeated after 2 to 3 weeks 

3. Tapping with seven star needle should be done on Hauto's point on alternate days 

Remarks  - 

1. Fat and carbohydrate free diet should  also be advised with acupuncture 

2. Motivation of the patient is very essential 

3. Author has got very good results in case of obesity with acupuncture in combination with yogic exercise like Surya namaskar, vajrasana etc

4. Results are very good 

    Yoga therapy 

Aim - 1. To improve overall health 

           2. To reduce weight 

           3. To modify the lifestyle 

            4. To maintain ideal body weight 

            5. To reduce stress and depression 

  1. Asana -                                                                                                                         

  •     Trikonasana 

  •   Vajarasana 

  •    Halasana 

  •    Vipritkarni 

  •    Ardha matsyendrasana 

  •    Naukasana 

  •    Shavasana

  •    Sarvangasana 

  •    Pavanmuktasana 

  •    Shalabhasana 

  •   Dhanurasana 
  •   Surya namaskar 

 2. Pranayama  -      

  •    Nadishodhana

  •    Bhastrika

  •    Kapalbhati 

 3. Kriya -


  •     Kunjal kriya

4. Relaxation -           

  •    Yoga nidra 

5. Meditation -           

  •     Breath awareness 

 Other therapy

1.exercise therapy

(a)  stepping exercise is very effective in burning the calories 

(b) under water exercise are useful to improve mobility and circulation 

(c) obese children have to be motivated to do skipping and dancing 

2. Music therapy -

 Music therapy decrease chronic stress and improve harmonal balance 

3. Reflexology and acupressure - 

Bare foot walking, pebble walking help to balance the energy in all form ( PRANA, TRIDOSHA, PANCHA MAHABHUTAS)

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